NCCER Advanced Rigging

NCCER Advanced Rigging

NCCER Advanced Rigging

NCCER Advanced Rigging

Course Number: 

Written Assessment

This program includes 2 1/2-day of instruction and 1/2-day of testing.This course includes detailed information required to prepare you for the NCCER’s Written Assessment & *Practical Examination.
In addition to being knowledgeable in all basic and intermediate rigger tasks, the advanced rigger must also demonstrate advanced level of proficiency in all the rigger tasks. The advanced rigger performs specific rigging operations as they relate to blind hoists, traveling with a load, working in close quarters, and lift procedures for personnel. The advanced rigger applies specific rigging criteria from the manufacturer or equipment representative to the safe and appropriate methods of erection, dismantling, jumping, and reconfi guring of cranes. The advanced rigger also applies specifi c rigging criteria for lifting a single load with multiple cranes. The advanced rigger identifi es and interprets load indicators and safety devices, capacity or load charts, specific mechanical advantages, the center of gravity as it relates to the rigging operation, as well as the effects of angles or indirect pulling in the rigging operation. The advanced rigger is also proficient in the direction of single, multiple specialized lifts. The advanced rigger is knowledgeable and can demonstrate proficiency in the design, documentation, and implementation of lift planning.
*Practical Examinations are available beginning the day after the course ends. Please contact a representative to register for practical examination, as there are a limited number of examination spaces. Additional cost apply for NCCER’s practical examination.

If you’re interested in this course, please contact NACB at 800.654.5640 or send us an email. *Number of days may vary.
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